Explore the collection using our interactive map. See how the collection has grown and evolved from the late 1600s through to the mid-1900s. Discover who was writing to whom, and what villages, towns and cities letters originated from, and were sent to, on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Letter Locations

Each circle on the map below represents a location where a letter was sent from or received at.

Selecting a circle marker will give you the option of searching the collection for records associated with that place


The chart below shows the distribution of letters in the collection over time. Selecting a year will bring you to a listing of those letters.

Connected Places - Letter Writers

The map below displays locations where letters were sent from. Place your mouse over the circle markers to display where letters were sent to.

Selecting a circle marker will give you the option of searching the collection for all records associated with that place.

Connected Places - Letter Recipients

The map below displays locations where letters were sent to. Place your mouse over the circle markers to display where recipients were based.

Selecting a circle marker will give you the option of searching the collection for all records associated with that place.